Serie af værker fra In the Sky Alle værker 50 x 50 cm In the sky – Forrest and City are One 50 x 50 cm Hundested 80 x 80 cm Do not fly too close to an obvious view 50 x 50 cm In the Sky and Beyond 50 x 50 cm No Hiding place for the Moon 50 x 50 cm In the background of fireworks 50 x 50 cm Frozen in the sky – do you feel cold 80 x 80 cm In the Sky – Notice them all 80 x 80 cm From the smoke of an Empire 80 x 80 cm Make it to the Sky 1 50 x 50 cm Toxic City 50 x 50 cm Will we change Evermore 50 x 50 cm You got the power to stand alone 60 x 80 cm Make it to the Sky 2 60 x 80 cm In the sky – We are all Mighty 60 x 80 cm Christmas Devours nature 80 x 80 cm In the Sky We dont have to swim 80 x 80 cm Lad mig se Nordlyset 60 x 80 cm Let us build bigger 60 x 80 cm Sydhavn 80 x 80 cm I ildens flammer, starter vi alle sammen forfra 60 x 80 cm Magical Weather 80 x 80 cm Business in Denmark 80 x 80 cm Snow and rain but it’s still warm inside 60 x 80 cm Jeg ser Sommernatten for mig 80 x 80 cm Is Heaven a place In the Sky 80 x 80 cm Frozen hours in business 80 x 80 cm Og det haglede